Parent Drop Off and Pick Up
Student car rider arrival and parent pick-up procedures will stay the same as last school year. Below is a description of these procedures for our new families:
- Use the access road that runs behind the school.
- Parents will not leave their vehicles.
- Morning arrival
- Beginning at 8:40 AM, students will exit one vehicle at a time at the end of the access road. School staff will supervise as students walk from cars and enter the school through the cafeteria entrance.
- Car rider dismissal
- Students will be dismissed for parent pick-up starting at 3:30.
- Families will receive two nameplates on your car dashboard so that staff can “check you in” as you travel the route and get your child ready to meet you at the end of the route. These nameplates will come home on the first day of school.
- Staff will supervise students as they exit the school cafeteria doors and approach vehicles along the pick-up route.